During the COVID-19 pandemic, all employees and staff members of peasoupATTACK are continually updating our policy and protocols to keep our employees and staff members safe by strictly complying with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and public health requirements.
Home Health Screenings
All employees or staff members must complete a home health screening checklist before entering our studio or shipping/packaging area.
Written results of the checklist do not need to be submitted to the supervisors. If the checklist reveals that an employee or staff member has any COVID-19 related symptoms, the employee/staff member must stay home. The employee or staff member will report the absence to his/her supervisor (noting if the absence is COVID-19 related) and call his/her primary care doctor or community health center to schedule testing for COVID-19.
Suppose the employee/staff member has tested positive for COVID-19. In that case, the employee/staff member must report it to his/her supervisor, so it allows peasoupATTACK to advise the employee/staff member on how to work with the Boston Public Health Commission to determine the risk to others through any advise contract tracing.
social distancing
We have work stations in our studio, work areas, and shipping/packaging areas for all persons, including employees, customers, and vendors, to remain at least six (6) feet apart to the greatest extent possible.
All entryways and hallways will have signage to ensure that employees, vendors, and customers maintain physical distancing when traveling through our studio and work areas.
Signage will be posted throughout our studio, reminding all occupants to distance themselves from others physically.
As a small business, we will not have more than ten (10) people in a gathering. Any gathering larger than ten will be eliminated or reduced when feasible.
Work furniture is placed to provide appropriate physical distancing, and layouts are designed to maintain six feet of physical distance between all persons present at any one time.
wearing a mask
All staff members, employees, vendors, and customers are expected to wear a mask whenever inside a peasoupATTACK studio/work areas, or outside when others are within a distance of six feet or less.
peasoupATTACK expects all staff members, employees, vendors, and customers to bring and wear their cloth masks whenever possible and appropriate. Anyone who forgets their reusable mask will be provided a disposable mask to wear within the studio and work areas.
The most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is for everyone to wash hands often and thoroughly with soap and water or clean hands using a sanitizer containing at last 60% alcohol (CDC guideline).
All employees, staff members, vendors, and customers will be expected to engage in frequent hand-washing and/or hand sanitation throughout the day and specifically in the following situations: after nose-blowing, coughing or sneezing; before entering or exiting the work area(s); before putting on or removing a face-covering/mask; before and after eating and/or preparing food; before touching one's eyes or face; after using the bathroom; before putting on and after removing gloves; after touching garbage; before touching any shipping or packaging items/materials; and after receiving any shipments or packages.
Appropriate hand sanitizer will be available at every work station, hallway, entryway, bathroom area, and kitchen area.
Hand soap will be available at every sink area, bathroom area, and kitchen area.
cleaning and disinfecting
All employees and staff members will clean and disinfect work and common areas before and after meeting with another employee, staff member, vendor, or customer.
All employees and staff members will clean and disinfect work and common areas at 3-hour intervals when there are no other employees, staff members, vendors, or customers not present.
health supports
As a small business, we serve to maintain the physical, social and emotional health of all employees and staff members.
Supervisors will be provided training on all COVID-19 prevention protocols to train employees and staff members.
Suppose a person becomes symptomatic while in a studio or work area, the supervisor will follow the protocol for medical evaluation, potential isolation, follow-up, and return to peasoupATTACK. The supervisor will collaborate with the Boston Public Health Commission to report any suspected cases of exposure or transmission of COVID-19.
The current CDC and BPHC guidelines recommend testing symptoms are present, and/or when an individual has been exposed to someone with COVID-19. If a person is unable to obtain testing through his/her own healthcare provider, access to COVID-19 testing through mobile sites is located throughout Boston.
If an individual in our company is confirmed, suspects, or has been in contact with someone confirmed to have COVID-19, peasoupATTACK will notify the BPHC Infections Disease Bureau to receive direction and guidance.
Building closures due to COVID-19 will be made by the founders in collaboration with the Boston Public Health Commission.
peasoupATTACK will not disclose personally identifiable information from a person's health records, without the consent of the person except: (1) when an articulable and significant threat exists to the health or safety of any staff due to COVID-19; and (2) sharing of the information will help protect health and/or safety of our employees, staff members, vendors, and customers. In these cases, peasoupATTACK will only disclose the minimum amount of information necessary to address the immediate threat caused by COVID-19.
This policy was last updated 03/30/2021
peasoupattack daily at-home health screening
Below is a list of symptoms for which employees should monitor themselves.
Please stay home if you have any of the symptoms listed below:
Fever (100.4° F or higher without the use of fever-reducing medicine), chills or shaking chills
Cough (not due to other known cause, such as a chronic cough)
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
New loss of taste or smell
Sore throat
Headache (when in combination with other symptoms)
Muscle aches or body aches
Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Fatigue, (when in combination with other symptoms)
Nasal congestion or runny nose (not due to other known causes, such as allergies) (when in combination with other symptoms)
If you have any of these symptoms, you must be tested for COVID-19 (SARS CoV-2) before returning to work.
Process for Scheduling a Testing Appointment:
Call your primary care physician or local community health center.
A list of test sites are located across Massachusetts is available and test sites throughout Boston can be found here. In addition, Massachusetts and Boston also have interactive testing maps (Massachusetts & Boston).
Out of State or Country Travel:
Effective August 1, 2020, all visitors and returning residents entering Massachusetts must follow new travel orders.
All visitors entering Massachusetts, including returning residents, who do not meet an exemption, are required to Complete the Massachusetts Travel Form prior to arrival unless you are visiting from a lower-risk state designated by the Department of Public Health.
Quarantine for 14 days or produce a negative COVID-19 test result that has been administered up to 72-hours prior to your arrival in Massachusetts.
If your COVID-19 test result has not been received prior to arrival, visitors, and residents must quarantine until they receive a negative test result.